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Block B



175 Hours

Breathwork is a practice that is both "shamanic", delving into non-ordinary states of consciousness, and somatic, delving mindfully into the body and breath-based patterns of stress and trauma.  This series of modules will focus on bringing more science and sensitive, sophisticated facilitation to these powerful processes.  It will also expand into the realm of ceremony and group facilitation.  This is your opportunity to cultivate your capacity to present and enact the theories, principles, and practices of Nūma Breathwork in a variety of formats suitable for different populations. 

In the first stage of this Block we turn things up by slowing things down.  Way down.  In order to continue developing ourselves as safe and effective facilitators, we learn how to slow things down for sensitive and more fragmented clients or for clients that are wanting to investigate something very specific within their experience of life.  We will learn how to do this through an investigation of select theories, principles and practices from the field of somatic psychotherapy.  These complimentary and supportive approaches will bolster our capacity and allow us to safely work with a broader array of breathwork clientele. 


The in-person portion of this training provides us with a safe learning space to experiment creatively with an integrated array of breathwork facilitation principles, tools, and techniques amidst a group setting.  We will also investigate setting breathwork journeys within the context of ceremony and utilizing a wide array of auxiliary practices and explorations to enhance and creatively theme our journeys.  Our voices become key as step up to lead conversations, inquiries, dynamic journeys, and ceremonial elements.


You will continue to both receive and provide Nūma Breathwork  sessions with fellow students as you explore supporting and learning from each other in private and group settings.

In this training, you will learn:


  • to foster a respectful, experiment-based therapeutic relationship with clientele

  • ways to listen and communicate effectively for therapeutic purposes

  • how to incorporate a variety of somatic psycho-therapeutic theories, principles, and practices into your facilitation

  • how to recognize and work within the window of tolerance

  • how to recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma, increasing the trauma sensitivity of your facilitation

  • about holding safe, confidential healing space for groups

  • about imbuing group sessions with both science and sacred technologies such as meditation and prayer

  • to employ the breathwork practice within the context of ceremony, rite, and ritual

  • about incorporating themes and complementary practices to create specialized group sessions

  • how to enhance your capacity to listen, self-express, and work as a team

  • to incorporate a wider variety of sound healing tools

  • to use your voice and instruments for sound therapy


This work moves me at a soul level and I am so grateful to have you as a teachers/facilitators/ navigators. I feel so lucky to have found Nūma Somatics. The training is top notch, I wouldn't change a thing. The facilitators are an amazing team and I so appreciate how you hold space for us all. Thank you for this last session - it just keeps getting better & better.


- Wendy A, Courtney

The future arrives one moment at a time, one day at a time and I am so grateful for my family. “Family” is not only of blood and bone but of breath and energy and collective experience.  My Nūma family has gifted me with a full heart, hope, peace and a toolkit full of practices to meet these uncertain times ahead with inspired perspective and gratitude. 

  - Judy L, Calgary

Upcoming Block A Trainings

Module 4 - Online (Live - EST):  January 13-16, 2022

Module 5 - Online (Live - EST):  March 10-13, 2022

Module 6 - In-Person (Montreal, QC):  May 11-15, 2022


Module 4 - Online (Live):  July, 2022

Module 5 - Online (Live):  September, 2022

Module 6 - In-Person (Vancouver, BC):  November, 2022

Training Hours 

Online: 11am to 6pm, daily

In Person: 9am to 6pm, daily


Training Cost

$2390 + tax

The total hours of training (175 hours) includes two 4 day online trainings and one 5 day in-person training, web study meetings, home studies, and practicum. Home studies include the review of teachings from the Block B training modules as well as assigned studies, self practice, and practicum hours between modules.


Completion of Block A or Level 3 of our older training program is required in order to register for Block B.

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